
I-RISH You Would Listen to This: Hudson Taylor

Sorry about the pun. I really, really tried not to type it but I just couldn’t resist.


Anyways, you really should listen to this band and here’s why…

They’re Irish.


Just kidding. Kind of. But they are…….

Hudson Taylor is comprised of two brothers, Alfie and Harry, who are described as a “pop-folk duo”. Think Two Door Cinema Club meets The Head and the Heart (obviously in a super hip pub) and they get busy and make a super amazing, talented baby named Hudson Taylor. The brothers gained their popularity busking on the streets of Ireland and uploading original songs and covers to YouTube. Their spunk is irresistible and for the sake of my dignity, I won’t admit how much I creeped when I first discovered them. They have released a few singles as well as two EPs and are now signed to a European record label. Their sound can vary from super stripped to making you feel super pumped. Either way, there is no shortage of feels and, lucky for us, a third EP is scheduled for release tomorrow.


Here are some things you definitely need to listen to:

1.)    This incredible mash up which includes an Eminem song.

2.)    Their single Battles which they just re-released.

3.)    And this one too………………..just because I like it.

Enjoy the feels. Enjoy the Irish. Enjoy the cute. And most of all, enjoy the fantastic music.

Also, when I said I was sorry for the pun I lied. I’m actually pretty proud of it.

